Satara to Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary

Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary, located in the Satara district of Maharashtra, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. Known for its rich biodiversity and lush landscapes, this sanctuary is a critical part of the Western Ghats, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The sanctuary is home to a variety of wildlife, including the elusive Indian tigers, leopards, and various species of deer. Visitors can enjoy trekking through dense forests, bird watching, and exploring the pristine natural environment that is abundant with flora and fauna.

The Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary is also famous for its scenic beauty, featuring picturesque views of the Koyna Dam and the surrounding hills. The sanctuary's tranquil atmosphere offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, providing a unique opportunity to experience the untouched natural world. With well-maintained trails and guided tours, the sanctuary ensures a memorable and educational experience for all visitors. Plan a visit to immerse yourself in the serene wilderness and discover the diverse wildlife of Maharashtra